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AFT_r Fourth Show Achieves Remarkable Attendance of Music and Esports Fans



The “AFT_r” music show series, organized by MDLBEAST, continues to draw crowds in its fourth consecutive week. Held on Thursday, July 25, 2024, as the supporting event of Esports World Cup 2024 (EWC), the event saw a remarkable attendance at the Mohamed Abdo Arena Theatre in Boulevard Riyadh City.
The evening began with high energy and excitement as DJ Shoalin took the stage. His performance captivated the audience, with his vibrant rap beats.
After Shoalin’s electrifying performance, the American rap sensation G-Eazy took the stage by fire, keeping the energy levels sky-high with a set that had his fans completely captivated, dancing to every beat and melody.

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PayTabs Group to drive MENA’s payment economy by crossing SAR200 Billion in payment processing




With 24Fintech, the global fintech movement now under away, PayTabs Group, MENA’s award-winning payments powerhouse today revealed it is set to cross SAR200 billion in payment processing volumes by 2025. This exponential growth is attributed to its payment orchestration platform, private labelling solutions and super app scaling businesses across the MENA region.

This aligns with the company’s ambitious goal of achieving 200% to 400% year-on-year growth across established and emerging markets in the MENA region. PayTabs expansion plans include scaling their core payment and orchestration platform operations further in the region while working with central banks and large cards schemes this year. PayTabs orchestration platform has the ability to manage and process billions in payment volumes across the region, effortlessly per second through servers located inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and other Arab countries. A glimpse of this orchestration technology has been showcased at the 24Fintech via a real-time live transaction feed with visitors curious to explore the platform and learn more about PayTabs secure, scalable, and frictionless payment processing capabilities.

Speaking at 24Fintech, Abdulaziz Al Jouf, PayTabs Group CEO and Founder, stated, ‘We are proud to be the leading partner for enterprises and governments, looking to streamline their payment processes and foster growth. We invite all businesses to visit us at 24Fintech to experience in real-time how our orchestration platform and super app is driving the regions payment economy.”

The company has operated in the GCC & Middle East markets for a decade building and owning IP rights across payment core banking infra that enables governments and corporates to create their own independent and stand-alone payment platforms.

Business analysts at the 24 Fintech event are speculating that the company may be exploring new avenues to capitalize on its market-leading position via an Initial Public Offering, shortly.

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PayTabs Group to drive MENA’s payment economy by crossing SAR200 Billion in payment processing




 With 24Fintech, the global fintech movement now under away, PayTabs Group, MENA’s award-winning payments powerhouse today revealed it is set to cross SAR200 billion in payment processing volumes by 2025. This exponential growth is attributed to its payment orchestration platform, private labelling solutions and super app scaling businesses across the MENA region.

This aligns with the company’s ambitious goal of achieving 200% to 400% year-on-year growth across established and emerging markets in the MENA region. PayTabs expansion plans include scaling their core payment and orchestration platform operations further in the region while working with central banks and large cards schemes this year. PayTabs orchestration platform has the ability to manage and process billions in payment volumes across the region, effortlessly per second through servers located inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and other Arab countries. A glimpse of this orchestration technology has been showcased at the 24Fintech via a real-time live transaction feed with visitors curious to explore the platform and learn more about PayTabs secure, scalable, and frictionless payment processing capabilities.

Speaking at 24Fintech, Abdulaziz Al Jouf, PayTabs Group CEO and Founder, stated, ‘We are proud to be the leading partner for enterprises and governments, looking to streamline their payment processes and foster growth. We invite all businesses to visit us at 24Fintech to experience in real-time how our orchestration platform and super app is driving the regions payment economy.”

The company has operated in the GCC & Middle East markets for a decade building and owning IP rights across payment core banking infra that enables governments and corporates to create their own independent and stand-alone payment platforms.

Business analysts at the 24 Fintech event are speculating that the company may be exploring new avenues to capitalize on its market-leading position via an Initial Public Offering, shortly.

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مجموعة PayTabs تعتزم دفع اقتصاد المدفوعات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا ب200 مليار ريال سعودي في معالجة المدفوعات




على هامش فعاليات معرض 24 Fintech، كشفت مجموعة PayTabs، الرائدة في مجال حلول الدفع في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، اليوم أنها ستتجاوز 200 مليار ريال سعودي في حجم معالجة المدفوعات بنهاية عام 2025. ويرجع هذا النمو الهائل إلى الخدمات والمنتجات الرائدة المقدمة منها منصة تنسيق المدفوعات الخاصة بها، وحلول التخصيص (Private labelling)، والتطبيق الشامل (Super App) لتوسيع نمو الأعمال في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا.
تتماشى هذه الانجازات الاستراتيجية مع الهدف الطموح للشركة لتحقيق نمو يتراوح بين 200% إلى 400% سنويا للأسواق النامية والناشئة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. تشمل خطط التوسع لدى PayTabs زيادة عمليات الدفع وتنظيم المدفوعات في المنطقة، والعمل مع البنوك المركزية مزودي البطاقات الرائجة هذا العام. تمتلك منصة تنظيم المدفوعات الخاصة ب PayTabs القدرة على إدارة ومعالجة مليارات من المدفوعات عبر المنطقة بسهولة من خلال الخوادم الموجودة داخل الدول التي تعمل بها مثل المملكة العربية السعودية والامارات ومصر غيرها من الدول العربية. وقد تم عرض لمحة عن تكنولوجيا منصة تنظيم المدفوعات في معرض 24Fintech عن طريق عرض مباشر للمعاملات المعالجة في الوقت الفعلي، مما جذب اهتمام الزوار لاستكشاف المنصة والتعرف على قدرات PayTabs الآمنة في معالجة المدفوعات.
وقال عبدالعزيز الجوف، الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس، في معرض 24 Fintech: “نحن فخورون بأن نكون الشريك الرائد للمؤسسات الكبيرة والمؤسسات الحكومية التي تتطلع إلى تبسيط عمليات الدفع وتعزيز النمو. ندعو جميع الشركات لزيارة جناحنا في معرض 24Fintech لتجربة كيفية قيادة منصتنا للتنسيق وتطبيقنا الشامل لاقتصاد المدفوعات في المنطقة في الوقت الفعلي.”
تعمل الشركة في سوق الخليج والوطن العربي منذ عقد من الزمن، حيث قامت ببناء وامتلاك حقوق الملكية الفكرية عبر بنية الدفع الأساسية التي تمكن الحكومات والشركات من إنشاء منصات الدفع المستقلة الخاصة بها. وتحتفظ PayTabs بشهادة مزود خدمات تكنولوجيا المدفوعات من المدفوعات السعودية.
يتكهن محللو الأعمال في معرض 24Fintech بأن الشركة قد تستكشف طرقًا جديدة للاستفادة من ريادتها في السوق من خلال طرح عام أولي قريباً.

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