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محاولة «تايد» و«بنده» لتحطيم الرقم القياسي العالمي لموسوعة غينيس لأضخم حاوية مسحوق غسيل في العالم وتطلقان حملة التبرعات الرمضانية مع كسوة السيدة عائشة



أعلنت شركتا «تايد لمنظفات الغسيل» و« بنده للتجزئة»، عن محاولة تحطيم الرقم القياسي العالمي لموسوعة غينيس، لأضخم حاوية لمسحوق الغسيل تايد في العالم، والتي يبلغ ارتفاعها 4 أمتار، بإطلاق مسحوق تايد الجديد “سريع الذوبان”. وذلك يوم 21 فبراير 2024 في تمام الساعة 5 – 6:30 مساء، في مركز الأندلس مول بمدينة جدة، بحضور عدد من المسؤولين في شركتي إسماعيل أبو داود بروكتر آند جامبل، وبنده، وجمعية كسوة السيدة عائشة، بالإضافة إلى عدد من الجمهور، والمؤثرين في المجتمع.
ويأتي هذا الحدث متزامناً مع احتفالات المملكة بذكرى يوم تأسيس الدولة السعودية، وذلك اعتزازاً بتاريخ المملكة العريق، وماضيها التليد، ومستقبلها المشرق. حيث يهدف هذا الإطلاق إلى الاحتفال بإنتاج أفضل مسحوق جديد من تايد على الإطلاق، والذي يوفر مسحوقاً سريع الذوبان لإزالة أصعب البقع دون أن يحدث تأثيراً قاسياً على الملابس.
وفي إطار الاحتفال بتحطيم الرقم القياسي العالمي لأكبر حاوية مسحوق غسيل في العالم، ستقوم شركة تايد بتوزيع عينات من مسحوق تايد الجديد على الحضور، والتبرع بكمية 500 كيلوجرام من المسحوق لجمعية كسوة السيدة عائشة. كما ستقوم شركتا تايد وبنده بإطلاق حملة تبرعات رمضانية في جميع أنحاء المملكة بالتعاون مع جمعية كسوة السيدة عائشة.
ولتفعيل هذه المبادرة الخيرية سيتم توفير صناديق التبرعات في جميع مراكز بنده هايبر ماركت في جدة والرياض والدمام، ليتمكن الأشخاص من التبرع بملابسهم القديمة من خلال وضعها في هذه الصناديق، ومن ثم يتم غسلها بواسطة مسحوق تايد الجديد، والتبرع بها لجمعية كسوة السيدة عائشة لدعم أعمالها الخيرية في توفير الكسوة للمحتاجين.
وتأتي هذه المبادرة استمراراً لجهود تايد وبنده في خدمة المجتمع، ودعم المحتاجين، ورسم الابتسامة والبهجة على الأسر المحتاجة، لتعزيز روح التضامن والعطاء خلال شهر رمضان المبارك.
وتعتبر شركة بنده للتجزئة، هي إحدى شركات مجموعة صافولا، وكبرى شركات قطاع البيع بالتجزئة في الشرق الأوسط، ويعمل فيها أكثر من 16,000 موظف بتفانٍ واِلتزام من أجل تلبية احتياجات العملاء في 182 فرعاً منتشراً في مختلف مناطق المملكة العربية السعودية، وتقدّم خدماتها ومنتجاتها البالغة 30,000 صنف لأكثر من 300 مليون زائر سنويّاً، من خلال أسواقها المتنوعة ومنصاتها الإلكترونية .وتُعد الشركة سبّاقة في مواكبة التغييرات لتحسين تجربة العميل، وتسعى دائماً إلى دعم البرامج والخدمات التي تهتم بالمجتمع، لتحقيق هدفها المتمثل في مشاركة المجتمع لحياة أفضل.
وتُعد تايد العلامة التجارية البارزة لمنظفات الغسيل، والتي يتم تصنيعها وتسويقها في المملكة العربية السعودية بواسطة شركة إسماعيل أبو داود بروكتر آند جامبل الشركة العالمية الرائدة في تقديم منتجات موثوقة ذات جودة عالية حتى يحظى مختلف المستهلكين حول العالم بمنتجات متميّزة تلبي احتياجاتهم بأفضل صورة ممكنة.

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Saudi Venture Capital Invests $20M in a Venture Capital Fund by BECO Capital




Saudi Venture Capital (SVC) announced an investment of $20M in Booster Fund IV, a venture capital fund managed by BECO Capital. BECO Capital is an early-stage venture firm in the Gulf with $495M in AUM across four funds.
BECO Booster Fund IV targets investing in early-stage companies that are capable of pioneering or disrupting their categories. The fund focuses on early stages ranging from Seed to Series A, with a sector-agnostic approach and a geographic focus on Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region.
Dr. Nabeel Koshak, CEO and Board Member at SVC, commented: “Our investment in the Booster Fund IV by BECO Capital is part of SVC’s Investment in Funds Program, in alignment with our strategy to support funds that invest in Saudi-based startups with high-growth potential, especially during their early growth stages.”
Dany Farha, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at BECO Capital, said: “We’re extremely excited to partner with SVC, an institution we greatly respect and with whom we align not only in our mission to support the flourishing ecosystem in Saudi Arabia but also in our values and ethos as a firm. This partnership with the SVC team is a meaningful step forward, and we look forward to amplifying the impact we can bring to Saudi founders together in the years to come.”
SVC is an investment company that was established in 2018. It is a subsidiary of the SME Bank, part of the National Development Fund. SVC aims to stimulate and sustain financing for startups and SMEs from pre-Seed to pre-IPO through funds and co-investment in startups and SMEs.

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RIKAZ Launches ZAYA to Develop Residential and Commercial Projects with Investments Totaling SAR 600 million





 RIKAZ announces the launch of ZAYA, its affiliate company specializing in developing residentia and commercial projects, with investments amounting to SAR 600 million.

The launch of ZAYA reflects the company’s commitment to expanding its activities in the Kingdom and meeting the increasing needs in the housing and commercial sectors. ZAYA focuses on developing real estate projects characterized by modern and innovative designs, utilizing advanced infrastructure technologies, thus enhancing project efficiency, and demonstrating its capability to meet the market’s needs. The newly established company aims to provide an exceptional living experience for citizens in the Kingdom, while ensuring a blend of luxury and quality in every project.

These objectives are part of the company’s vision to deliver unprecedented new projects that meet citizens’ needs and fulfil their aspirations for modern living, contributing to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Currently, ZAYA has five milestone projects under development: SKAYA, UPSCALA, UPTOWN, and several other projects in the Dhahran, Khobar, and Riyadh areas, combining luxurious living and modern commerce while providing green spaces and advanced recreational facilities.

Additionally, AZAYA Beach, a beach club dedicated to ZAYA’s customers, will upscale their unique residential experience. ZAYA is working to achieve its vision, which centers on the aspirations and needs of its customers, reinforcing its leading business model in the region.

As part of its expansion plan in the Kingdom, RIKAZ Company plans to launch several key projects in the hospitality sector in Riyadh, Asir, Abha, and Al-Ahsa, with a total area exceeding 800,000 square meters and investments exceeding one billion Saudi Riyals.

RIKAZ has also entered the logistics sector by launching the Node project with investments of SAR 1.1 billion, which is considered the largest integrated logistics service complex in the Kingdom. This project aims to meet the growing demand for high-quality logistics properties that support various economic sectors. Two phases of the project have been launched so far, and it is expected to achieve sales exceeding SAR 1.5 billion.

Mr. Khalid bin Hassan Al-Qahtani, Chairman and CEO of RIKAZ, expressed his happiness at the launch of ZAYA, confirming that this step represents a quantum leap in the company’s journey to enhance its presence in the Saudi market.

He added: “We are proud to launch ZAYA, which we see as part of our ambitious strategy for expansion and development. The launch of ZAYA aligns with our long-term plans that comply with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which we consider a key reference in all our projects. Our vision is to be a key partner in achieving the Kingdom’s goals by delivering projects that meet the highest global standards and support sustainable development.”

Mr. Khalid Al-Ward, CEO of Zaya, added, “The launch of ZAYA comes amid the company’s ongoing efforts to expand its investments across various real estate sectors, providing an opportunity for excellence in line with the local and international market demands through developing modern projects that contribute to building integrated communities, ensuring prosperity and well-being for their residents.”

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Beast House: Hosting Diverse and Innovative Events in Riyadh’s Cultural Scene




Beast House Hosts the Exclusive Closing Party for Riyadh Fashion Week 2024 and more

Beast House, Riyadh’s first music and creative members club by MDLBEAST, hosted the exclusive closing party for Riyadh Fashion Week on Monday, October 21, 2024. The event was held in collaboration with Billboard and SRMG, bringing together artistry, entertainment, and innovation in the heart of Riyadh at Jax District.

The party hosted influential figures from the fashion world, from designers and trendsetting influencers to high-level industry leaders, cementing Riyadh’s growing influence on the global fashion stage.

Beast House is a unique venue that brings together innovation, exclusivity, and artistic expression. It plays a significant role in shaping the future of Saudi Arabia’s creative and cultural scene, and this event highlighted that vision well.

In September 2024, Beast House demonstrated its versatility and influence by hosting a series of high-profile events that positioned it as a premier destination for global brands and talents:

Billboard Arabia Awards (September 9, 2024): On September 9, Beast House hosted the announcement of the inaugural Billboard Arabia Awards, a major milestone for the regional music industry. With the presence of Billboard’s President Mike Van, this event marked Beast House as a key player in bringing global recognition to Saudi Arabia’s music scene.

EA Sports FIFA 25 Launch (September 25, 2024): The iconic Didier Drogba headlined the launch of FIFA 25 on the 25th of September at Beast House, where members of the champion Team Falcons competed in an exclusive gaming event. Drogba’s mentorship and the world-class setting of Beast House made it a thrilling experience for attendees, highlighting the venue’s appeal to both the creative and entertainment industries.

TikTok MENA Workshops (September 28, 2024): Beast House hosted a two-day series of workshops and panel discussions led by TikTok MENA on the 28th of September, where content creators and industry leaders gathered to explore the latest trends in digital content creation and social media strategy. This event further solidified Beast House’s role as a hub for cutting-edge digital innovation and collaboration.

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